Vonetta M. Dotson, PhD, is associate professor of psychology and gerontology at Georgia State University. Dr. Dotson is also the director of the Aging Well for Everyone NeuropsychologyLaboratory, where her research expertise includes cognitive and brain changes in late-life depression and exercise interventions for cognitive, brain, and emotional functioning in older adults. She is also the director of the Georgia State University Brain Health Clinic, and is a licensed clinical psychologist with a specialization in gero-neuropsychology. Dr. Dotson has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, coauthored more than 70 conference presentations, and has given multiple workshops to professionals. She is a fellow of APA's Society for Clinical Neuropsychology and a past member of the APA Committee on Aging. Dr. Dotson also teaches group fitness classes to students of all ages, including older adults. Her new business start-up, CerebroFit, LLC, is aimed at providing clinical, educational, and consultation services for brain health and wellness in the community.